Monday, March 9, 2009

RSS Feed

"Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.”

I am a little bit behind with my Discovery Excerices, due to the fact that the flu got in my way last week. I did read and watch the video last week, but did not have time to really get started. So, that is the goal for today. I have decided that I am not a fan of the RSS Feed. I set up my account and then only had confusion trying to place my subsciptions. I do not find it easy and I am looking forward to having Katherine back in the office to answer my questions. I do not feel as if this will be a tool I will use very often, even though I understand how it is a great way to consolidate information into one place opposed to always going in and typing the web address of the different newspapers that I like to peruse every day. I will continue to play with it some more and maybe I will change my opinion of this tool.


  1. Bear, it took me a while to get the hang of RSS, too. I also found it confusing at first. Personally, I find Google Reader much easier to use than Bloglines. If Kat doesn't help you first, I will be glad to help you with this.

  2. I am the opposite. I am loving my RSS Feed. Check out my blog, which you are following, to see why!

    And yes, re: the comment above, I like Google Reader much, much, much more than Bloglines.
